Grade 4 Curriculum 


Reading and Writing


This course is designed to meet the Common Core State Standards for Fourth  Writing.  The work done throughout this course not only aligns with the CCSS but is designed to prepare Fourth Graders for the work ahead in fifth grade.


Link to the Grade 4 Writing Curriculum used at RRO.





Battle Creek Science curriculum for Fourth Graders:

Science Unit 1 - Energy Transfer – 4PS1

This unit concentrates on heat, magnetism and electricity as energy transfers. The interaction of magnetic materials is explored through investigation. Students explore electrical circuits and apply their knowledge to build and electromagnet.

Energy Transfer Parent Letter

Science Unit 2 - States of Matter – 4PS2

Previous units have laid the foundation for a more in-depth study of the states of matter. Students explore the physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases through measurement and observation and investigation into the changes of states and apply what they discover to heat transfer and energy.

States of Matter Parent Letter

Science Unit 3 - The View From the Earth – 4ES

Students make long-term observations of the position of the sun and moon in the sky to develop an understanding of relative distances, the appearance of movement across the sky, and relate it to day and night, Earth’s orbit, the spin of the Earth, and the visible shape of the moon. The unit concludes with a look into fossils and evidence of environment and changes in the history of the Earth.

The View From the Earth Parent Letter

Science Unit 4 - Organisms in Their Environment – 4LS

Students take a deeper look into the requirements of plants and animals to survive, the roles animals play in their environments, and how some animals and plants have variations that give them an advantage for survival. Students apply what they know and explore the effect of change on the environment.

Organisms in Their Environment Parent Letter